For all the questions, may there be wisdom.
For all the pain, may there be healing.
For all the loss, may there be joy.
For all the hate, may there be peace.
For all the waiting, may there be grace.
For all the lonely, may there be love.
For all that lies ahead, may there be strength.
For all and for all to come, may we know Him?
Our All. In. All.

Dean Brenton
Dean is the President of Impactus. He has been an active part of denominational, national, and parachurch committees, initiatives and events as well as international and local mission projects. He previously served for 13 years as the Executive Director of Ministry Development and Strategic Initiatives/Executive Director of Church Ministries for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador (PAONL). He also served as a Part-Time Instructor with Tyndale University (Toronto, ON) and Queen’s College (St. John’s, NL).Dean Brenton
Dean is the President of Impactus. He has been an active part of denominational, national, and parachurch committees, initiatives and events as well as international and local mission projects. He previously served for 13 years as the Executive Director of Ministry Development and Strategic Initiatives/Executive Director of Church Ministries for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador (PAONL). He also served as a Part-Time Instructor with Tyndale University (Toronto, ON) and Queen’s College (St. John’s, NL).