man kneeling down praying

William’s Story: God’s Love Disrupts

In Articles, Stories by William

“Everyone laid hands on me and I just completely broke down and cried so hard.”

For the past 2-3 months I had been going through a very difficult time and it actually made me give up on God and walk away from Him. I had been arguing with my wife a lot and it was a strain on my children too. Work was stressing me out and [things were] difficult.

I didn’t want to go to the PK event but my father-in-law already bought the tickets so I felt obligated to go. So I did. As soon as I walked in the building I could feel all the love and God’s presence and immediately I could feel the tears in the back of my throat.

“As soon as I walked in the building I could feel all the love and God’s presence and immediately I could feel the tears in the back of my throat.”

But I was so angry with God so I choked it down.

We got in and found our seats and my walls started coming down during the worship music. I was listening, but not really all in until Danny MacKay did his call to anyone who’d given their life to Jesus but has fallen away, and I stood up. Everyone laid hands on me and I just completely broke down and cried so hard.

“All that anger I had been feeling was taken away and it was almost as if God was giving me a big hug telling me everything’s okay. My love for Jesus is stronger than it’s ever been [since] those two days.”

Also, the first day I went to the resource room and bought all my books and everything so on day two I had no reason to be back there. But I felt God lead me back there so I went. Not even two minutes of [sic] being back there, two gentlemen came up to me saying they felt God tell them they needed to speak to me and to pray for me. And as they prayed, they prayed for everything that I had been going through for the past couple months. It was awesome.

Since I’ve been home I’ve had a burning passion for Jesus. As a family we have decided to have an hour each night between and 6–7 to spend time together with God. My marriage is much better, I am a much better husband and father because of it. Praise the Lord! Thanks to all of you for putting this event together!

William is a Toronto conference attendee.
William is a Toronto conference attendee.