How Is Your Soul?

In Articles, Life Issues, Stress, Fear & Anxiety by Kirk Giles

One of the most profound questions I have been asked by a mentor is the question of how my soul is doing. It seems the majority of people find themselves in a constant routine of day to day living. We work, we eat, we sleep, and along the way we may spend some time with friends or family. I know that I often get busy with the routines of life, even doing good activities, and I lose sight of my soul.

Overall, I do not believe our souls are doing well. As a society, we seem to be more stressed, more hurried, and more in conflict with others. These character traits exist even within the Christian community. Spend some time reading blogs or the comments Christians will post online, and you will wonder if this is really the life Jesus had in mind when He promised to give us life and life more abundantly (John 10:10).

According to 1 Peter 2:11, our own sinful desires are one of the chief enemies of our soul.

7 Ways Sinful Desires Wage War Against The Soul

  1. They distract us from time with God – the One who gives life to our soul.
  2. They promise fulfillment, but leave us empty or condemned.
  3. They create pain in my life and the life of others when I realize the people I have hurt.
  4. They rob us of joy and leave us filled with anxiety and fear.
  5. They alienate us from God and people we love because we hide who we really are and what is really going on inside of us.
  6. They limit our ability to be fully productive because we can only bear fruit with our lives when we are abiding in Christ.
  7. They make us self-centred, which robs our soul of being giving and generous.

So, how is your soul?

Is there any chance it is not doing well because you have been taking part in sinful desires instead of abstaining from them? Jesus has made the way for you to turn back to God – the One who made and desires your soul to be whole.

Kirk Giles
Kirk Giles is the Co-Lead Pastor of Forward Church – a multi-site congregation based in the Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada. He loves Jesus and being a husband, father, and grandfather (plus the Toronto Blue Jays). Kirk is the former President of Impactus (when it was Promise Keepers Canada) and has spent over twenty-five years helping men learn to follow Jesus.
Kirk Giles
Kirk Giles is the Co-Lead Pastor of Forward Church – a multi-site congregation based in the Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada. He loves Jesus and being a husband, father, and grandfather (plus the Toronto Blue Jays). Kirk is the former President of Impactus (when it was Promise Keepers Canada) and has spent over twenty-five years helping men learn to follow Jesus.