How to Please God With Our Work

How to Please God With Our Work

In Articles, Faith Journey, Life Issues, Spiritual Growth, Work by Alan Wachob

The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. Genesis 2:15 (NIV)

Six days you shall labor and do all your work… Deuteronomy 5:13 (NIV)

Work is something we were created for.

When we work, we are fulfilling a purpose God created us for. God Himself worked six days, then rested on the seventh (Exodus 20:11, Hebrews 4:10). Since it is God’s plan for us to work, we can excel at our jobs and careers with His blessing.

As men, we find value and fulfillment in learning to work well and work hard. Finding the right work (the job you were meant to do or like to do) is another matter. God can help you with that, too, but this article is about how to honour God at your current job.

When it comes to the gifts and resources our Creator gives us, we must steward, manage, and sometimes grow into them. This includes the gift of our job. The satisfaction you get from your current job is more in your hands than you realize. You can be happy at your job regardless of its challenges; you can honour God right where you’re at.

We honour God at our jobs when:

1. We work for the Lord, not just for our boss.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23–24:1 NIV

All jobs can be thankless situations at times. Some jobs are like that all the time. No one may notice, applaud, or promote you. This matters more to some than others. But all of us appreciate being recognized or rewarded for quality work.

As a Christian, you need to remember that God sees, hears, and knows all. He is the ultimate superior over each of us. Let Him be the Superior over you in the job you have now. Serve Him in your job.

Allow the Lord to be the “boss behind your boss.” Whether you’re the employer or employee, view God as the one you aim to please. Become accountable to Him. If you are pleasing God in your attitude and performance, pleasing your earthly boss will come more easily. You’ve set the bar higher than the employee manual ever could.

If your boss is unjust or difficult to work for—in your heart, remind yourself that you are “working for the Lord.” You can smile despite the opposition and do a great job regardless. God sees, hears, and knows, and He can credit you for work that your human supervisors can’t or won’t. Unlike them, God never misses anything. And if your promotion comes from Him, nobody can stand in your way (Psalm 75:6-7).

2. We are diligent and excellent in our work, to the glory of God.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV

Do a good job at your job, and do it for God’s glory. Once you know you are working for the Lord, you will have a new motivation for better performance even when no one is looking…maybe especially when no one is looking.

Comedian George Carlin once said, “Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.” That shouldn’t be what Christian men are known for. God, our ultimate Overseer, calls us to something better.

As Christian men, we represent Jesus; we are witnesses for Him at all our worksites and offices. We should be excellent workers who are known for our integrity and discipline. That means we show up on time and complete the job with excellence. It also means we support our bosses and other workers.

Think of the lowliest, least-favorite task you must do at your job this week. Once you have that in mind, decide to do it to the best of your ability. Then, ask God to help you and empower you with His ability (Colossians 1:29).

Pray something like this: “Lord, thank You for the task in front of me. I choose to do this for Your glory. Give me strength and wisdom to do my work with diligence and excellence in a way that pleases You and inspires others.”

On average, a man will spend about a third of his life working at a job. No job is perfect, but it’s a place where God can use you and develop you. Don’t buy into the popular idea that you must dread your job. Your current job is an opportunity to represent and glorify God, even if it is labelled “work.”

Alan Wachob
Alan Wachob was born in the United States but Canada has been his adopted home country since he began pastoral ministry in Canada over 30 years ago. He is the senior pastor and founder of True North Church in Milton, Ontario. He and his wife Sherri have two adult children and they all share a passion for Jesus and the local church. Alan’s teaching style is bold, inspiring, and positive and has a way of making Biblical truth easy to grasp for everyday living.
Alan Wachob
Alan Wachob was born in the United States but Canada has been his adopted home country since he began pastoral ministry in Canada over 30 years ago. He is the senior pastor and founder of True North Church in Milton, Ontario. He and his wife Sherri have two adult children and they all share a passion for Jesus and the local church. Alan’s teaching style is bold, inspiring, and positive and has a way of making Biblical truth easy to grasp for everyday living.