This article will be my final post on I am excited to share this news with you because it also means the launch of a new opportunity to equip men for a life of purpose and godly impact. In the future, you will be able to see my writing alongside many others as part of a new, online hub built for men.
But first, let me share a brief story with you.
Several years ago, the leadership of Promise Keepers Canada began to dream and pray about how to help more men and how to walk with those men throughout the year (and not only at one event).
Everywhere I look, I can see the challenges men are creating for others, and the challenges men are facing. This moment is not a time for men to hide from what matters most. While you may feel overwhelmed by all the responsibilities you have, it is also not a time for you to give up or be swallowed up by a sense of hopelessness.
As a man, God designed you to bring life to the people and culture around you. Your life matters, but like every other man, you are also sinful and broken.
Jesus once said, “you can do nothing apart from me.” If we want to be men whose lives make a difference, who bear fruit, who have an impact – we must surrender to Jesus. We must receive him pressing his life into ours and we must press our life into becoming more like him.
To help men in this time, Promise Keepers Canada has created Impactus. Impactus is a Latin word meaning “to press closely into something.” We are here to equip men like you for a life of purpose and godly impact. The way we do that is by helping you press into the life and way of Jesus Christ.
The online hub for Impactus will feature new articles, videos, or podcasts every day to equip you. It will point you to online men’s groups, workshops, and live events. For those who are men’s ministry leaders, you will find continued support to help you equip the men around you. In the future, once COVID has passed, it will also connect men with live events in their region. Even more exciting, Impactus will be a global ministry that is ready to work with leaders from nations around the world to help equip the men in their country.
By the beginning of September 2020, you will find my articles at I want to encourage you to bookmark the site and share it with the men you know. My site will also redirect you to Impactus once it has launched.
Thank you for joining me on this ride. I want to leave you with this calling for us:
“Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Do everything in love.” (1 Corinthians 16:13, 14)