If you are looking for a new job you are not alone. That’s happening a lot these days. But did you know God wants to help you in your job search?
Praying for your new job does not take long; however, for many Christian men, prayer is the most neglected part of the job search. Your prayers at this strategic time invite God into even the most challenging of job markets. He can help you if you let Him.
Don’t avoid making “the big ask”.
Our God can find jobs that we cannot find on our own. He can also find something much better than we can find on our own. Don’t be afraid of “the big ask”. Prayer is an opportunity to ask big things of God because we believe He is both caring and capable.
Before you ask God for divine help in any area, you need to first discover what God’s will is regarding that subject. Then you will have confidence (faith) to ask (1 John 5:14-15). Fortunately, God’s will regarding “work” is abundantly clear in the Scriptures.
Why do men need to work? Scriptures give us at least two big reasons.
Purpose – you were made for this.
God created us and ordained us to work. At first, in our youth, it doesn’t even matter what kind of work we do. Work is good for us to learn. Later, we aim to match our particular training and skills to the right job. We find value and fulfilment by learning how to work hard, complete a task well, and feel good about it afterwards. Working a job is God’s idea…and God doesn’t mind you wanting to find the right job or even a better job. He made you that way.
Provision – you need this.
Nothing relieves financial stress like a regular pay cheque. While some may try to avoid work, God’s Word is clear for capable Christian men: Earning wages through work provides for our needs. God views gainful employment as a good thing and that means you have every right to ask Him to help you find it or improve it. (2 Thessalonians 3:10, 1 Timothy 5:8, Proverbs 12:14).
Have faith in God – for jobs!
In Mark 11:22-24, Jesus was teaching His disciples about combining faith and prayer as He was making His way towards Jerusalem. There were several small mountains nearby He could have easily pointed to as He taught them how impossible, immovable problems (like mountains) can be solved by God if we dare to “have faith in God”.
God can move, remove, and do what we can never accomplish by ourselves.
Behind the scenes, God can certainly move on your behalf, to help you land that next job or promotion. Jesus Himself allows for “the big ask” when He said, “whatever you ask for in prayer” (in your case – a new job).
Notice what Jesus said next, “believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”. In other words, have faith!. Before you see, hear, or feel anything change, you start trusting God.
Picture your faith as a hand that reaches out in prayer and receives what God has promised. Faith is the hand that receives from God. Prayer is not just for asking, it’s for receiving as well.
After you ask God for help, you still do all the natural things you need to do to in your job search, but you are now trusting God to lead you to your new job – or lead it to you! That space of time between you saying “Amen” and one day saying “I accept your job offer” …is the time you use for trusting God. You thank Him daily for working on it and leading you.
God wants you to have a job and He wants you to have the right job that fits you and pays your bills. Settle this, then pray and believe…and don’t look back. Your Heavenly Father wants you fulfilled and productive – and blessed by His hand. He would love for you to invite Him into your job search.