Our hope is firmly in the person of Jesus
We can see the light at the end of the tunnel; we just aren’t sure if it’s hope or the headlight of a train. This is how most of us feel right now. We are tired and wish we could wake up and see something else on the news other than wall-to-wall COVID coverage. There is a lot of excitement about how vaccines will bring things to an end; unless you are against vaccines, then you are less excited. There is a far more significant problem facing us than COVID, but we are so caught up in the urgency of the moment we have lost sight of it.
There is a far more significant problem facing us than COVID, but we are so caught up in the urgency of the moment we have lost sight of it.
One hundred years ago, when the last major pandemic hit the world, North America went on a wild spending spree. It was like a relief valve following years of World War 1, a global pandemic, and countless lives lost. People were exhausted, felt deep loss, and just wanted to get their lives back. The result was the roaring 20’s and the return of the good life – until the world hit another crisis in the Great Depression.
Humanity is wired to look for hope, joy, love, and freedom. We love a sense of control and the ability to have our desires met. When we can’t have what we want, when our lives are turned upside down, we go looking anywhere to have the deepest needs of our hearts satisfied.
Here’s the truth: The COVID-19 vaccine will not resolve the deepest need in our hearts. Sure, it may make our life easier. But if history can teach us anything, we will still go looking for something else to fix and satisfy what we long for, and we will end up digging an even deeper hole for ourselves.
Throughout human history, we have always looked for a savior. Right now, the hope of most humans is being placed in a vaccine. I am not telling you if I am pro-vaccine or anti-vaccine. What I am saying is that the vaccine is not going to save us. It may help us, but it will not satisfy us.
If you are a Christian, then you already know where I am going with this. COVID-19 can never be our savior. Only Jesus can resolve the greatest needs in our hearts. The problem is, right now, we don’t always act like we know it. Here are three observations about our current reality:
- There are Christians who are just coasting through COVID. No church gathering is really no big deal to you. You’ve gotten out of the rhythm of personal devotions and prayer. You’re more excited about the vaccine allowing you to go on vacation than allowing you to gather with Jesus’ people. Ask yourself – are you looking to anything other than Jesus to save you?
- There are Christians who are very upset with how everything is going right now – fighting for their rights. I sincerely hope those in this group are just as passionate about declaring the good news of Jesus to their next-door neighbor as they are to share their views on any politician.
- Christians have allowed government policies, a pandemic, and a vaccine to divide us. Seriously, stop and think about it. How is Jesus honored when Christians publicly shame and attack each other over differing viewpoints? How is your life-giving evidence of the control of the Holy Spirit as shown in Galatians 5? Are you more loving, joyful, peaceful, and patient than you were a year ago?
Our hope is not in our rights or a vaccine. Our hope is firmly in the person of Jesus. He gave us a mission and told us the world will know we are his disciples by our love for each other.
In every season of life, we are given a choice. We can live for the moment, or we can live with eternity in mind. The vaccine cannot resolve the exhaustion or tension you are experiencing. Only resting in Jesus and a surrender to his radical path of love can save us.