Setting An Example of Excellence
How we work is a testimony to our relationship with God.
A good employer/employee is a good witness for Christ. Our conduct in the workplace honours God and builds trust with those around us.
But what makes a person’s work good?
Three of the many keys the Bible gives us are having a good attitude, doing our very best, and being honest.
First, a good attitude towards work can be summed up in one word: enthusiasm.
“Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.” (Ephesians 6:7)
What if you were working for God? How would that impact your day?
Working with a good attitude and being thankful for work honours God and sets a good example. Part of a good attitude means showing up for work early. Not simply on time.
It means serving people around us with our whole heart. It means being positive and trusting God in both good and difficult circumstances. It means trusting results to God, and seeing every day as a gift from Him. It means seeing 9-5 as ordained by God as much as every other time frame of the week. We should encourage each other to see our work as an opportunity for worshipping God and serving those around us.
Trusting Christ with the pressures of work, the uncertainty of the future, and with the outcome of our efforts, helps us grow as His followers. And this attitude will encourage others to consider Christ.
Second, the Bible calls us to do our very best.
“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10a)
We need to set an example for excellence in the workplace. We should be characterized as people who not only try hard but who do excellent work. While we can’t be expected to be perfect, people should come to expect us to be continually striving for excellence, and to give one hundred percent.
Sometimes those who are single are able to better serve or take on tasks that married people are not able to do. Offering to work later, work out of town, or work a weekend, are ways single people can serve God, and show love to other employees who have family commitments.
Third, we must be completely honest.
“Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbour, for we are all members of one body.” (Ephesians 4:25).
There is pressure at work (as in other areas of life) to lie. Two of the reasons people lie is to avoid punishment, and to portray themselves as a person they wish they were instead of who they are.
But lying does not work.
“A lying tongue hates those it hurts.” (Proverbs 26:28)
The devil is the father of lies. And we need to be honest about what we have done right, and what we have done wrong. Honesty is very disarming. People should know us to be truth-tellers.
Let’s be encouraged to set an example for people in our work: in our good attitude to our employers and/or our employees, in being an example of a solid work ethic striving for excellence, and to be honest and fair in absolutely everything.
And in so doing we can reflect God’s light in us.