Forgiven, Loved, Transformed

In Ask by Dean Brenton

Christ is risen. He is risen indeed! We can rejoice and celebrate our Saviour’s victory over death through His resurrection! Through His grace and mercy, we are free! Praise God!

Our last annual spiritual health survey revealed that freedom is not the reality for many men. Some said they felt they’d disappointed God or ruined  everything in their lives. Others clung to their past, afraid to let it go and fully accept the Lord’s grace.

Does your past haunt you? Do you ever feel unworthy and unloved? If anyone had the right to be ashamed of his past, it was the apostle Paul. He was complicit in the stoning of Stephen and was a zealous persecutor of the early church. But after his transformational encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, he never looked back. Grace was received. His past was forgiven. The “chief of sinners” (1  Timothy 1:5) became a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), and his impact continues to
this day.

This is why Impactus has the vision to see every man become, grow, and live as a disciple of Jesus, and you can help us reach those men with the life-saving, past-forgiving, future-securing message of  Jesus Christ. Through transformational conferences and content, your gift will directly impact men’s lives in Canada and around the world.

So this Easter, we can rejoice because, as the late Tim Keller
reminded us: “The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.”

That Good News is for you, and it is a message you can help us

Happy Easter to you and your family!

Musical artist Jon Keith struggled with guilt and feelings of unworthiness too—so much so that he nearly became a suicide statistic.

Instead, he opened his heart to Jesus and has never looked back. Click to watch his extraordinary video testimony from This Is Me.

Young guys like Jon Keith are struggling with the undeclared epidemic of loneliness and spiritual isolation. But you can help us reach them by becoming a monthly Impact Partner now. And when you do, your donation will be DOUBLED every month this year!

Will you join today as a monthly donor or make a one-time donation this Easter?

Give now

Extending the Matching Challenge.
Extending the Mission.


Please help us reach guys like Jon Keith. On the outside, Jon had it all together. He kept others on the outside while on the inside he was oppressed by thoughts of worthlessness and despair that he had ruined everything for God. But Jon is everything to God—as you are to Him—and He saved Jon from suicide.

When you become an Impact Partner, you’re contributing to the largest capacity-growth initiative in our history that will enable us to extend our reach across Canada and around the world. We’re serious about helping all men find the path to the peace that passes all understanding and to live life more abundantly—all through Jesus. Help us extend the mission of transformational discipleship to men.

Become and Impact Partner now
Dean Brenton
Dean is the President of Impactus. He has been an active part of denominational, national, and parachurch committees, initiatives and events as well as international and local mission projects. He previously served for 13 years as the Executive Director of Ministry Development and Strategic Initiatives/Executive Director of Church Ministries for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador (PAONL). He also served as a Part-Time Instructor with Tyndale University (Toronto, ON) and Queen’s College (St. John’s, NL).
Dean Brenton
Dean is the President of Impactus. He has been an active part of denominational, national, and parachurch committees, initiatives and events as well as international and local mission projects. He previously served for 13 years as the Executive Director of Ministry Development and Strategic Initiatives/Executive Director of Church Ministries for the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland and Labrador (PAONL). He also served as a Part-Time Instructor with Tyndale University (Toronto, ON) and Queen’s College (St. John’s, NL).