A Godly Home Weekly Recap

In Daily Devotional by Impactus

Theme of the Week: A Godly Home

Bible Verse: “Unless the LORD builds a house, its builders labor over it in vain; unless the LORD watches over a city, the watchman stays alert in vain.” Psalms 127:1, CSB

Scripture Reading: Psalm 127:1-5

This week we have learned some practical ways to lead our marriages and family to become a godly home. Psalm 127:1 reminds us that after all is said and done, it us ultimately the Lord who builds the house, as we trust and surrender to him.
Here are some highlights of the week:

The Marriage Idol
Marriage is an intimate relationship God intended to use for a number of reasons in our lives, including to shape us more into the image of Jesus

Nobody was born a good listener. If you are able to focus on what your spouse is saying with curiosity and patience, it is because you have practiced the skill often enough for it to be second nature.

Freedom in the Bedroom
God says that freedom should characterize the Christian life, and so within a marriage, most things you do sexually are perfectly fine. Many Christians worry that new positions or new ways to touch or kiss may cross a line, but the marriage bed is undefiled. Fun is good!

Why Your Prayers Matters
The best (and easiest) way I found to spiritually lead my family was through prayer. While praying in front of our children can initially be intimidating for some, it is a powerful example and teaches our children the humility of being accountable to a higher authority than ourselves.

Called to Justice
If you begin to live out justice and mercy in your lives as a couple, the opportunities to do the ministry of Christ that will come your way will be so overwhelming at times, all you’ve got is God.

Copyright © 2021 Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada. All rights reserved.

Equipping men for a life of purpose and godly impact. For over twenty-five years, Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada has been at the forefront of calling men to follow Jesus Christ, and to be men who will have a godly impact in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities. We are expanding our impact and influence by being faithful to Jesus’ command—“Go and make disciples.”
Equipping men for a life of purpose and godly impact. For over twenty-five years, Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada has been at the forefront of calling men to follow Jesus Christ, and to be men who will have a godly impact in their families, workplaces, churches, and communities. We are expanding our impact and influence by being faithful to Jesus’ command—“Go and make disciples.”