Theme of the Week: All Things New: New Beginnings
Bible Verse: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17, ESV
Scripture Reading: Romans 5:1-9
We all experience new beginnings in our lives. The first day of school, the first day of high school and then college or university, our first job, marriage, children and more. These are all big changes and impact each of us in different ways. But the day you decide to make Jesus the Lord of your life is a new beginning that impacts for eternity. It is truly the beginning of a new life, a new meaning, a new purpose, a new you.
For me, it was Sunday, May 6, 2001, and I had hit the lowest point of my life. My wife, who had given her life to Christ years earlier and faithfully went to church on her own, asked me to go to church with her that morning.
As I sat there feeling sorry for myself, I could sense God say, “Start your life with me now.” The Pastor’s message was entitled “You Will Overcome”, as though he knew exactly what I was going through and was telling me God would get me through it. That was the day I gave my life to Jesus and fully surrendered to him. At that moment, my debt of sin was cancelled – and I had a huge debt. God recreated me from the inside out. I often say that if God can change me, he can change anyone.
The next time you’re faced with a new beginning, whether big or small, remember back to the day you gave your life to Christ. Jesus died so that we may live. He exchanged the death we deserve for his life. Jesus paid the debt we could never pay ourselves. Face that new beginning head-on because you are a new creation in Christ, and you can do all things through him who gives you strength.
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