Theme of the Week: Stronger
Bible Verse: “You will become pregnant and have a son whose head is never to be touched by a razor because the boy is to be a Nazirite, dedicated to God from the womb. He will take the lead in delivering Israel from the hands of the Philistines.” Judges 13:5
Scripture Reading: Judges 13:1 – 16:31
There really was a superhero at one time. He was in the Bible. Can you guess/do you remember his story? There were many people who did some amazing things—miracles. But this man was different. He had superhuman strength. The things that he did were not miracles, just incredible feats of strength.
Yes. It’s Samson. His story is one that fascinates little boys, young men, and old timers alike. There is something compelling and powerful (pun slightly intended) about his story. But there’s something to note in that story too.
As you read the story in Judges 13-16, note the acts of strength that are accompanied by the phrase “the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him” and those that don’t have that phrase.
Samson was strong, no doubt. But he used his strength in selfish ways and when he did that, it was not the Lord’s power that empowered him.
This week we’ll reflect on strength. Ask yourself if you know the difference between the strength of the Lord and your own strength.
Prayer: God, thank you for the gifts you give. Help me to use them for your glory and others’ good.
Reflection: What strengths has God given you? When have you used them for Him and when have you used them for yourself?
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