Theme of the Week: The Gospel of Matthew – King Jesus
Bible Verse: Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” Matthew 28:18
Scripture Reading: Matthew 28:16-20
Today’s passage may have been the place to start and work backward. But Jesus proclaims His all-encompassing authority only at the end of His time on earth, so it is perhaps better suited here at the end of our week in Matthew.
If there was any doubt from reading the stories we covered this week that Jesus had not just the power to do what He did but the authority to do so (power and authority are not the same things), His last recorded statements in the book of Matthew should erase any doubt. He declares that all authority is His.
Jesus has the final word for every area of the lives of His followers. We live under and in His authority.
The gospel of Matthew is written to a Jewish audience whom Matthew was trying to convince that Jesus was the Messiah, the promised and long-awaited King. He starts by setting up the lineage of Jesus and showing the first person to recognize and submit to Jesus’s identity. Then, throughout His account of Jesus’s life, Matthew attempts to show that this King has the authority they all expect Him to have. Authority in every area of life: from life and health to the spiritual realm, Jesus is “in charge.” As you continue to read the book of Matthew, look for how Jesus is portrayed as having the final word as the one in whom all authority resides.
What an excellent thought. Jesus, our savior, the one who gave Himself for us, is the one who has all authority over our lives. We do not depend on a savior who cannot accomplish anything but one who has both the power and the authority to save.
Prayer: Jesus, light of the world and savior of humanity, I recognize and celebrate your authority in my life. Help to live in submission to your words and your will as I embrace your Lordship. Please grant me the forgiveness my sins need and the humility I require to live for you. Amen.
Reflection: Is it evident to others that Jesus is the authority in your life? What areas, actions, attitudes, or relationships might make people question your commitment to Jesus?
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