Theme of the Week: Salvation
Bible Verse: “And you were dead in your trespasses and sins…” Ephesians 2:1
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-3
When we go camping in northern Ontario, we sometimes pass an old, ruined house. It looks like it’s about to collapse. It’s uninhabitable and unfixable. It can only be demolished and something new built in its place.
Houses sometimes need to be torn down, just like cars sometimes need to be scrapped. Eventually, when a car breaks down, it’s not worth fixing. The best thing to do is to town it to the scrapyard and start over with a brand-new car.
We’re not houses or cars, but the same principle applies to us. We often think that we’re pretty good and just need some fixing up. We don’t need a new us, we think. We just need a few improvements.
According to Scripture, our situation is worse than we think. We don’t need minor changes. We need a completely new beginning. We need to start again.
That’s what we’re going to talk about this coming week: God’s gift of salvation. God does more than forgive our sins. He makes us completely new. Salvation is humbling because our need is great, but it’s also encouraging because God’s grace is bigger than we need.
Prayer: Lord, help me to realize that I don’t just need some minor fixing. I need you to make me new. Thank you for your salvation. Help me to grasp all that you’ve done for me through Jesus Christ. In his name I pray.
Reflection: Why do you think we believe we need only a little fixing rather than a completely new start?
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