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In Daily Devotional by Joe Amaral

Scripture Verse: The steps of a man are established by the LORD, when he delights in his way; though he fall, he shall not be cast headlong, for the LORD upholds his hand. Psalm 37:23-24 ESV

Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5-6; Proverbs 14:12; John 14:6

This week’s set of devotionals is taken from Mind Gum: Devotions for Men by Todd Stahl and Joe Amaral. Used with permission.

I’m just gonna go ahead and say it…I’m a bad Canadian.

I don’t like Tim Horton’s coffee. I don’t like bacon. I don’t like hockey.

Don’t get me wrong, I love being a Canadian; I just don’t fit the standard template of what a Canadian man is supposed to be.

For that matter, I don’t fit the mold of what some in society would say a man is supposed to be. I don’t know about you, but I am getting pretty sick and tired of people telling me what makes a man a man.

People say that men don’t talk about their feelings, or they should never show their softer side. I have found the exact opposite to be true. A man secure in who he is has no problem sharing his feelings or talking about important matters like love, life and relationships.

As a Portuguese-born person, my default sport of choice is soccer. I grew up watching the World Cup and other big soccer matches. Not only did I love the game, but it was a rare opportunity to spend time with my father. He was a typical first-generation immigrant who worked really hard and didn’t have the chance to pursue hobbies or passions. Soccer gave us the opportunity to connect.

As I got older, I realized that soccer had a valuable life lesson to teach me. So often, you would see the players go forward, stop, then go backwards…many times all the way back to their goalkeeper. The idea behind this manoeuvring was that if you couldn’t see a way forward, it was better to go back, pause for a moment to reflect on your options, look for an opening, and then move forward with your new plan.

We’re told that real men don’t admit to mistakes. A man will stick to his guns, even when he knows he’s wrong, because he’s too afraid to admit it. But like in soccer, it’s okay to realize that some of your decisions may not have been your greatest ideas. It’s okay to stop and rethink your course of action.

A mature man admits when he’s wrong, asks for forgiveness, and moves forward in unity with his family. Don’t let pride rob you of the joy of being vulnerable with those you love. Stop. Go back. Reassess. Move forward.

Ask God to order your steps. He will never steer you wrong!

Prayer: Lord, thank You that Your mercy for me is great! I pray that You help me be strong enough to be humble, and humble enough to be vulnerable. Grant me the wisdom to move forward in a good way. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Reflection: Is there anywhere in your life where you have stubbornly refused to acknowledge a mistake? What steps might you take to rectify that today?

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Joe Amaral
Joe Amaral is a Bible teacher, author, and speaker who is known for his unique approach to teaching, which incorporates the historical and cultural backgrounds to provide a deeper understanding of the Bible. He has authored several books, including Understanding Jesus, What Would Jesus Read?, and Jesusly. He is a regular co-host of the daily television show 100 Huntley Street, and is the founder of Hope for Liberia.
Joe Amaral
Joe Amaral is a Bible teacher, author, and speaker who is known for his unique approach to teaching, which incorporates the historical and cultural backgrounds to provide a deeper understanding of the Bible. He has authored several books, including Understanding Jesus, What Would Jesus Read?, and Jesusly. He is a regular co-host of the daily television show 100 Huntley Street, and is the founder of Hope for Liberia.