Theme of the Week: Betting Better
Bible Verse: For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the Lord may bring to Abraham what he has promised him. Genesis 18:19
Scripture Reading: Genesis 18:1-33
This week we’ve been looking at how to be better – better husbands, better dads through some very practical changes we can make in our day-to-day.
1. Gratitude
Something as simple as complimenting your wife in the morning can change the trajectory of a whole day. Even better, make her that favourite cup of coffee.
2. Morning with your Kids
Leave room for unhurried moments with your kids in the morning. Dads, this is a great time to remind your kids about what you expect and maybe even share an encouraging Bible verse.
3. Lunch Check-in
It’s so easy to get pulled into your workday without connecting with your spouse. How do you best connect with your spouse during the day when you are busy? Is God calling you to make sure your spouse knows they are more important than your work?
4. Dinner Time
Is there anything magical about having a meal together? There could be. In fact, throughout Scripture we see significant moments happen over meals. (Feeding of the 5,000, The Last Supper). And studies show that when families make it a habit of eating dinner together, teenagers are less likely to use drugs or alcohol and are less likely to have high stress. Kids of all ages do better in school. Eating together isn’t the only thing that makes families strong, but it is a good indicator that family members are making time together a priority.
5. Bedtime
Finally, at the end of the day, men we have another incredible opportunity to impact our children: the bedtime story.
Reading at night to your kids is also a great time to read Bible stories to your kids. We have this huge picture Bible that my kids love. As a dad, it’s hard to know how we are to lead our families spiritually, but I believe reading Scripture is one way we can do that well and know we are doing the right thing.
It’s easy to slip into poor habits and to not live intentionally, but with these simple habits and Biblical principles we can become better husbands and fathers.
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