Theme of the Week: What is a Christian? The Christian Character
Bible Verse: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8 CSB
Scripture Reading: 1 John 3:1-3
As I read this verse, I can’t help but think of Moses, who saw God face-to-face and spoke to him as to a friend.
What was Moses’ heart like? He sure had many valuable skills and qualities, but to see God – only one thing really mattered. We know that this great prophet had a heart filled with the word of God and filled with compassion for his people. He prayed according to God’s will, patiently believing in his people even though they were hard-headed. And God took pleasure in Moses, for his heart was pure.
The gospel of Matthew introduces Jesus as the new Moses (we won’t get into the details), so who best to educate us on how to see God? One might wonder how to know if a heart is pure. It will show in our relationship to God and to others. Observing relationships is how we measure a lot of things like love, maturity, trustworthiness, and purity of heart. We can write long paragraphs about our accomplishments and qualities on a resume, but there is nothing like evaluating our relationships to unveil the state of our hearts.
The fact that he mentions it in his famous sermon should encourage any man, since it indicates that it is accessible to anyone who wills. Jesus’ words are not merely a condition. They are an invitation to receive such a heart.
So are you willing to let God purify your heart? Or here’s an even better question: Do you want to see God?
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