Theme of the Week: DEFCON
Bible Verse: “I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.” Revelation 19:11
Scripture Reading: Revelation 19:11-16
In DEFCON 2, we saw a call to be armed and ready. Here in DEFCON 1, it’s war!
If you’ve ever read Revelation, you know it’s loaded with symbolism and metaphors when it comes to the telling of John’s vision of “things that must soon take place.” What our verses are focused on is the beginning of the battle. The seventh seal has been broken, trumpets have been blown, and now it’s time for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
If you take the time to read Revelation 19:11-16, you’ll see that the Jesus who came the first time as a suffering sacrifice for our sins, now comes back with a far different agenda. In these verses, you see terms like “eyes are like a flame of fire,” “the armies of heaven,” “sharp swords,” and “rod of iron.” On top of all of that, as if there was any mistake, “On his robe and his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.”
Jesus is in full control here, and if you have come to the saving knowledge of taking him as your Savior, then this is a sight to behold with pure joy and adoration.
If you have not taken Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then this sequence of scripture may be alarming to you as Jesus now comes back in judgment.
Take a moment and read the questions below and reflect on where you will spend eternity.
Do you know Jesus as your Savior? If not, please stop right now and read the Roman Road.
- Romans 3:23 – We are all sinners by nature and by choice
- Romans 6:23 – We receive eternal life as a free gift
- Romans 5:8 – God demonstrated His love for us, His enemies
- Romans 10:9-10 – We must trust and surrender to Jesus as Lord
- Romans 10:13 – Our assurance of salvation through Jesus
Do you know someone who needs to know Jesus as their Savior? Pray for them right now and ask God to open a door for you and that person to have a conversation about Jesus.
I challenge you to ponder on the verses listed above and be sure that you are confident about your salvation. If you have not taken Jesus as your Savior, then read the verses in Romans and talk to a pastor or a friend.
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