Bible Verse: Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance. Proverbs 1:5
Scripture Reading: Proverbs 1:1-7; James 1:19; Proverbs 11:2; Matthew 10:8
As we wrap up this week’s devotional series on wisdom, let’s look at delivering godly wisdom.
When Jesus sent out the twelve disciples, there was a phrase Jesus used to encourage them to see the Kingdom of God advance. I think it can help us when it comes to delivering godly wisdom.
As Jesus sent them, He said, “Freely you received, so freely give.” (Matthew 10:8 NIV)
We know the context of this verse was that Jesus was referring to the supernatural miracles that the disciples were about to do. Still, I think that phrase could be helpful for us as we think about sharing the wisdom God has given us.
So, if we are supposed to share the wisdom God gives us, how should we do it?
Two quick thoughts for you. We share God’s wisdom:
- With Discernment. When we think of sharing wisdom, we must first consider what to share. A solid prayer life is vital to learning how to discern the voice of God. Knowing what to share and when to share must be led by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, sharing too much or not sharing wisdom at the right time can have adverse effects. Discerning what the Holy Spirit is speaking and keeping in step with Him makes all the difference in sharing wisdom.
- With Humility. There is a connection between wisdom and humility. When people have shared godly wisdom with me that greatly impacted my life, it was always spoken with a humble heart. Proverbs 11:2 refers to this: “Wisdom is with the humble.”
More than ever, we need men of God speaking wisdom to other men, especially the next generation. If we share it with discernment and humility, there will be more openness to what is being shared.
Prayer: Dear God, thank You for asking me to be one who shares Your wisdom. Help me to share any wisdom You give me with discernment and humility. Help me to continue this pathway to wisdom, to be a lifelong learner, and to steward wisdom well.
Reflection: In your mind, why are humility and discernment so important in sharing wisdom? What has been the effect on your life when people did this for you?
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