Theme of the Week: Devoted
Bible Verse: “But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8, CSB
Scripture Reading: Romans 8:14-17
Most of us fail to grasp just how fully God loves the person we married. Even if you were to spend ten years thinking about it, you’d still fall short of how much God truly cares about your spouse. He designed and created the person to whom you are married. He wooed him or her into regeneration. He adores and feels passionately about him or her. If any doubt remains as to his care and concern, consider this: he sent his Son to die on his or her behalf.
As the human father of three children, I fervently pray that each one of my children will marry a spouse who will love him or her generously and respect and enjoy him or her. I realize each of my children has certain quirks or limitations that might test a future spouse, but I pray that their spouses will be kind in these areas rather than use them to belittle my children or make them feel smaller. I hope with all my heart they’ll find partners who will encourage them with a gracious spirit. I pray they won’t marry someone who will be stingy or selfish or who might abuse them. I know my kids aren’t perfect — but I want them to have spouses who will love them despite their imperfections.
In the same way, God is fully aware of our spouses’ limitations — and he is just as eager for us to be kind and generous with these faults as we are for our kids’ future spouses to be kind to them.
Think about how you treated your husband or wife this past week. Is that how you want your son or daughter to be treated by his or her spouse?
Never forget: you didn’t just marry a man or a woman; you married God’s son or God’s daughter. Treat him, treat her, accordingly.
Excerpt from Devotions for a Sacred Marriage: A Year of Weekly Devotions for Couples by Gary Thomas. Used with permission.
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