Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone; you’ve done the flowers and nice dinner. Mauricio Rosa talks with former Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada President Kirk Giles about what it means to be a godly husband the rest of the days of the year, in day-to-day living.
Most men are used to compartmentalizing life, separating their job, home life, church, friends, kids and more. This is a struggle for most men right now as living, working and doing church at home is blending all of the elements of life together putting added pressure on marriages.
They address key issues men struggle with such as understanding your wife and her needs, the struggle many guys have with pornography and keeping secrets along with the isolating effects of lockdown.
A must listen to episode, Kirk offers great wisdom and practical advice to help all men grow as a godly husband and to help men better love and serve their wives as the Bible has called them to do.