Theme of the Week: Why Church?
Bible Verse: When Moses’ arms grew tired, Aaron and Hur brought a stone for him to sit on, while they stood beside him and held up his arms, holding them steady until the sun went down. Exodus 17:12
Scripture Reading: Exodus 17:8-13
There is a fascinating battle story in the book of Exodus. Joshua, Moses’s number two, had to go out and fight a battle. Moses told Joshua that while he fought, Moses would hold the staff of the Lord up. Whenever the staff was lifted up, Joshua’s troops would have the upper hand, but when Moses got tired and lowered the staff, the enemy would surge and take control of the battle. So, Aaron and Hur, seeing that the battle was almost literally held in Moses’s hands, held Moses’ arms up when he was too tired to do it on his own.
You are probably a strong and capable individual. You’ve carried heavy burdens in your life and still have the ability to keep going. But someday, the load will be heavier than you can handle. Your strength, no matter how great, will not be equal to it. Left alone, your fingers will slip, your grip will fail, and your burden will crash to the ground. The consequences in your life, your marriage, your family, and your witness can be devastating. The risk is too great to fail. We need help.
Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
We need the church because it is there that we offer to help carry another’s burden. And it is there where a brother or two can help carry ours.
There were times in my life when I was so discouraged, so beat up and run down, that I could barely pray for myself. My prayers were nothing more than groans and tears. People in my church came and stood beside me, stood with me, and prayed for me. They prayed when I didn’t feel I had the strength to.
And I’ve been able to do the same for others—friends who have gone through terrible things: divorce, the loss of a child, failure in business, bankruptcy. They needed me at their side. If I had chosen to disengage myself from church, I couldn’t have been there for them.
Prayer: Father, I know that I cannot follow you alone. Whenever I try, I eventually tire and fail. Thank you for (name a friend or two) who have helped me to remain faithful to you, through encouragement and challenge. Help me to be an encourager to others.
Reflection: Tell one friend (text, email, or face to face) this week that you appreciate their friendship and encouragement in your spiritual life.
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