Finding Strength in Weakness

In Daily Devotional by Dany Soto

Bible Passage: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 3:5-6; Philippians 4:13

Society often tells men to hide their weaknesses and project strength at all times. But Paul flips this idea on its head, reminding us that God’s power is made perfect in our weakness.

Admitting your limits isn’t failure; it’s an opportunity for God to step in and do what only He can.

Weakness reminds us of our dependence on God. Instead of trying to power through on your own, lean into His grace. When you feel like you’ve reached the end of your strength, know that God is just getting started. His grace is more than enough to sustain you.

This doesn’t only apply to thoughts; sometimes, stress/anxiety can manifest as very powerful and frustrating physical symptoms. Know that God’s grace is sufficient to help you even with those.

The practice of “Acceptance and Commitment” mirrors the biblical principle of surrender, acknowledging one’s limitations while trusting God’s strength. In this, we accept circumstances that we cannot change and commit ourselves to God’s hands for what only He can do.

Scripture teaches that God’s grace is sufficient (Philippians 4:13), encouraging us to embrace our dependence on Him rather than striving on our own.

If you are ever dealing with overwhelming physical symptoms related to stress or anxiety, it helps to remember the acronym “C.U.P.”:

Contain: don’t let this blow out of proportion, and don’t let your worry spiral, thereby making things worse.

Underreact: by gently acknowledging how you’re feeling without getting worked up further, you guard against triggering more or worse symptoms.

Passively accept: Don’t get angry or upset with how you feel; this is simply how you feel right now. The sooner we lose the fear and irritation of stress symptoms (including panic attacks), the sooner they are likely to pass. God is with you and will strengthen you in this.

Prayer: Lord, thank You that Your grace is enough for me. Help me embrace my weaknesses, knowing that Your power is made perfect in them. Teach me to depend on You and trust in Your strength. Amen.

Reflection: Where are you feeling weak today? How can you allow God to show His strength in that area?

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Dany Soto
Dany Soto is the English pastor at Logos Baptist Church Mississauga, where he has served as the main English teacher/preacher for the last six years. He loves discussing and unpacking theology and apologetics in a way that is applicable and easy to understand. He and his wife live in Halton, Ontario.
Dany Soto
Dany Soto is the English pastor at Logos Baptist Church Mississauga, where he has served as the main English teacher/preacher for the last six years. He loves discussing and unpacking theology and apologetics in a way that is applicable and easy to understand. He and his wife live in Halton, Ontario.