Take Every Thought Captive

In Daily Devotional by Dany Soto

Bible Passage: “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5)

Scripture Reading: Philippians 4:8

Men are often plagued by racing thoughts—self-doubt, fears about the future, or past mistakes that haunt us.

These thoughts can easily spiral out of control, leaving us anxious and overwhelmed. But Paul reminds us that we have the power, through Christ, to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Jesus.

Taking thoughts captive isn’t about suppressing or ignoring them but confronting them with truth. This means recognizing when your thoughts are pulling you away from God’s promises and replacing those thoughts with Scripture.

For instance, if you ever think, “I’m failing as a husband or father,” counter it with the truth: “God’s grace is sufficient for me for any challenge that I face” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

In therapy, I learned to practice thought stopping—as the name suggests, actively seeking to “stop” a thought rather than dwelling on it and letting it linger, and then redirecting our thoughts in a more godly direction (Philippians 4:8). This technique is a way for us to biblically practice taking every thought captive.

The first step in practicing thought-stopping is awareness. Recognize the intrusive thought as soon as it arises.

The next step is to interrupt the thought. Actively stop it by using a deliberate physical or verbal cue. You can say “Stop!” out loud or in your mind, clap your hands, or snap your fingers. These actions disrupt the flow of negative thinking, breaking the momentum and giving you a moment to regain control over your thoughts. By combining awareness and interruption, you begin to shift the pattern of negative thinking.

This practice interrupts negative thought patterns, helping you regain control. Biblically, it mirrors taking every thought captive and making it obedient to Christ. By consciously stopping harmful thoughts and replacing them with Scripture, you can align your mind with God’s truth and find peace.

Prayer: Lord, help me take control of my thoughts and make them obedient to Your truth. When I feel overwhelmed, teach me to trust in Your promises and replace fear with faith. Amen.

Reflection: What negative thoughts have been weighing you down? Write them down and counter each with a specific Bible verse reminding you of God’s truth.

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Dany Soto
Dany Soto is the English pastor at Logos Baptist Church Mississauga, where he has served as the main English teacher/preacher for the last six years. He loves discussing and unpacking theology and apologetics in a way that is applicable and easy to understand. He and his wife live in Halton, Ontario.
Dany Soto
Dany Soto is the English pastor at Logos Baptist Church Mississauga, where he has served as the main English teacher/preacher for the last six years. He loves discussing and unpacking theology and apologetics in a way that is applicable and easy to understand. He and his wife live in Halton, Ontario.