Theme of the Week: Climbing the Mountain of Manhood
Bible Verse: Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.” John 4:34
Scripture Reading: Luke 14:28-30, Ecclesiastes 7:8, Revelation 22:13, Zechariah 8:9
Strong men are committed to “finishing strong”, which is the end of the trail—the end of life. However, weaker men are confused into believing that ending and finishing are synonymous.
They are not.
Quitting before a job is complete, being fired for being irresponsible, or losing your marriage due to reckless behavior are wrong finishes, not strong ones.
Strong men are committed to finishing strong at all costs. Whether it be their workout, workday, or working on their marriage, strong men persevere with endurance and tenacity rather than finish weak. Males or weak men accept finishing wrong, but men settle for nothing less than finishing strong.
Strong men aren’t born. They are made. They are forged in the fires of great pain and resistance. Mentally prepare yourself to be challenged as you make the journey that only the strongest men are willing to endure.
I love an anonymous poem that drives home my point, “You cannot go back and make a brand new start my friend, but you can start now and make a brand new end.”
What is the difference between finishing strong and finishing wrong? In your life how do the two finishes look different in your day? In his book, Finishing Strong, Steve Farrar wrote, “In the Christian life, it’s not how you start that matters. It’s how you finish.” What is the danger when wrong finishes outnumber strong finishes over time? What kind of man, husband, and father are your daily finishes leading you toward?
In Luke 14: 28-30 Jesus warned, “For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who observe it begin to ridicule him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’” What costs have you failed to count and how will you fix it?
Failures don’t define you. Finishes do. It’s not how you start that matters. It’s how you finish. You don’t have to be the best. You simply have to outlast the rest.
Some content taken from Strong Men Dangerous Times: Five Essentials Every Man Must Possess to Change His World by Jim Ramos. Copyright © 2021. Used by permission of Five Stones Press and Jim Ramos. All rights reserved.
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