Theme of the Week: Christ Formed in You
Bible Verse: “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith” Romans 1:17 ESV
Scripture Reading: Romans 1:16-17
Have you ever been in a situation where you knew your destination but couldn’t find your way?
It happens to me with almost predictable regularity. In fact, I’ve been lost in nearly every big city I’ve ever visited. When our journey has been reduced to an ineffective mix of hunches and guesswork, we need to admit that we’re lost and need help!
Following Jesus is also a journey. Our destination is clear: conformity to the image of Christ. To be holy. Most Christians realize this and desire it. But we often feel disoriented in the midst of our journey. A primary reason for this disorientation is simply that becoming more like Jesus—a process theologians often call “sanctification”—takes a lifetime, and life gets complicated.
My personal journey towards Christlikeness has certainly not been a straight line from conversion to transformation. I’ve often felt disappointed with my lack of progress and confused by the conflicting perspectives on how to change. But I’ve also experienced surges of growth as the Lord has opened to my mind the glories of Christ’s work in the gospel and the ways of his Spirit in the heart. Nor is my journey complete. I continue to fight sin and learn of my daily need for repentant faith in the crucified and risen Christ. My spiritual growth has been like putting together a jigsaw puzzle—slowly the borders have been formed and key pieces have fit into place, and the big picture has gradually taken shape.
This week, we will explore where the process of transformation fits and how it happens in the Christian life. We will explore 4 patterns to personal change:
- Captivated by Beauty: Holiness
- Killing Sin
- Growing in Grace
- The Characteristics of Spiritual Growth
Join us this week and come to be challenged and encouraged to embark on this challenging, but rewarding journey, as you get to also experience the sweet presence of the Spirit of God. Share this devotional with your friends. And if you have not subscribed to get our devotional daily in your inbox, you can do so here.
Some content taken from Christ Formed in You by Brian G. Hedges. Copyright © 2010. Used by permission of Shepherd Press,
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