Theme of the Week: Impact for the Year
Bible Verse: “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” Numbers 23:19
Scripture Reading: Numbers 23:13-26
My 2-year-old daughter is at the stage where I must be very, very careful what I say. If you have kids, you’ve been there. If you don’t, you’ve probably laughed at (or maybe played with) kids ability to repeat things they have heard. I am talking about those phrases that come out of a child’s mouth, that make you wonder, “where in the world did they learn that?”.
I also must be careful of what I say because she holds me to my word. Gone are the days of saying, “We will do that tomorrow,” or “Let’s try that another time.”
Why? She takes me at my word and trusts that I mean what I say and say what I mean. Every morning she wakes and immediately reminds me of the promises made the day before.
In Numbers 23:19, it says, “God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”.
I wonder how life would be different if I trusted God in the same way that my daughter trusts me, and similarly, as the writer of Numbers trusted God.
He asks rhetorical questions, expecting a resounding “NO”.
- Does God lie? No!
- Does God change his mind? No!
- Does God speak and not act? No!
- Does God promise and not fulfill? No!
This past year, I have seen the trustworthiness of God on full display. In a season that felt so unpredictable, God guided my family with a steady hand and unshakeable presence. In a year of changes, some planned, others, not so much, we have seen God guide and provide in ways that we hoped for and ways that we didn’t expect. I believe he will do the same for you.
I’m still learning to trust God. My daughter shows me how.
Prayer: Father, trust is hard. Even when I know the promises you have made in the Bible and have experienced your faithfulness personally, it is still hard to trust You the way I know I should or want to. Please help me remember your goodness and faithfulness when I am tempted to trust only myself. And help me to celebrate Your goodness to me and to others so the world might know you.
Reflection: What promises from God’s Word have you been clinging to? Rest assured and know that you can wake each morning with trust that He will stay true to His character and stay true to His Word.
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