Theme of the Week: Impact for the Year
Bible Verse: When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. Luke 2:17-18
Scripture Reading: Luke 2:8-21
What’s your favorite memory? Your favorite story? The one that you tell more often than any other? What is it about that memory that makes it so special? Why do you like to share it?
Sometimes things happen in life that we just can’t keep to ourselves. Things happen that are too good, and sometimes too bad, to keep to ourselves; we must share them with others.
When the angels visited the shepherds, they told them something incredible. The angels gave a message that would not just change lives, but the course of history. The shepherds may have been close to the bottom of the social ladder, but they were not fools. They went to see. And when they saw, they told everyone!
Imagine being woken up from a deep sleep by the sound of a bunch of shepherds shouting in the streets about some angels and a baby. But the event and the implications were too incredible to keep to themselves. They had to share. So, they did.
This week we’re going to hear stories of how God has met Impactus staff this last year. You’ll read stories of faithfulness, growth, challenge, and conviction. They are our stories, but they are God’s stories.
We hope you are encouraged to see God in your own life and to share your stories with us and with others.
Prayer: Father, sometimes I don’t think I have anything worth telling. Help me to see where you have met me and what you have done in and through me. Help me to be encouraged by the growth your Spirit has spurred in me. Thank you for being with me and that you never give up on me.
Reflection: Share with someone this week one thing that God has done in your life this last year.
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