Theme of the Week: The Voice of Jesus
Bible Verse: I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5
Scripture Reading: John 15:1-5
In 1980 I was filled with joy upon my acceptance to a Bible College to prepare myself for ministry. I was single, enjoyed going to church, longed for more of God in my life and sensed a call to ministry.
It was only a short time later my Pastor (a great man of faith) believed in me and encouraged me to go deeper. “Don’t get caught up in all the games at College but study hard and let God mold you.” Precious words from a Pastor I greatly respected.
Those words were helpful, but how many of us know, there are times where we need a little wake up call.
When I entered school, I had a longing to hear the voice of God so I started getting up at 5 a.m., went to chapel, sat, read, prayed and listened.
Then the moment came when God clearly spoke.
I was woken up in the middle of the night to an audible voice. “Bill, wake up. I want to talk to you.”
“Who are you?” I said, in great fear.
“It’s me, God.” the voice replied.
I couldn’t believe it, was I really hearing the voice of God? Well, little did I know that the guys in the dorm rigged a tape recorder and speaker under my bed and were playing a prank.
Unfortunately, I believed it hook, line and sinker. Then things got a little strange when they instructed me to break up with my girlfriend who is now my wife of 40 years.
Yes men, I became a legacy!
Since then, I have grown to appreciate the beauty of John 15:5 that says “apart from me, you can do nothing”. I only want to do what he places before me, and to do that, I need to hear the voice of the God.
Doing life apart from God is not something I’m interested in, so I still practice 5:00 a.m. time with the Lord. It’s been 40 years and you know what? It hasn’t gotten old.
Do you have a time and place you spend with the Lord?
5:00am might not work for you, but don’t kid yourself, God is eager to have a deep relationship with you and for you to hear him speak to you.
How about you? Do you try to do things apart from God? How does that work for you?
This week, we will be studying about how we hear God’s voice from Gordon T. Smith. We believe it will be an encouragement to you.
May the Lord help us all to cultivate the words of Jesus each day as we endeavor to walk with him!
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