Theme of the Week: Wandering In The Wilderness
Bible Verse: When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left him until an opportune time. Luke 4:13
I remember visiting missionaries in Bali, Indonesia. When there, we toured some temples and saw the incredible hold that the devil had on the people through idol worship. We often prayed that God would protect us from any influence that might negatively affect us. Then we got back home to North America, and it felt like there wasn’t that same kind of spiritual battle going on around here.
Is that true? Has the devil basically left us alone in the west?
Of course not. There is a fierce battle waging all around us all the time. To our peril, we can pretend that it doesn’t exist. We can pretend that all of our mental health struggles, and even our physical struggles, have nothing to do with spiritual forces.
The truth is we have an enemy who prowls around looking for someone to destroy.
Through Jesus we can have the victory. But notice that even with Jesus, when He defeated Satan in the wilderness, the enemy wasn’t done. He went away and readied himself for an opportune time.
Our spiritual battle is not a one-and-done thing. It is ongoing. We need to constantly clothe ourselves with Christ, to be ready for war, to stand our ground.
Jesus has proven that He is big enough to conquer Satan. He stood up to him every time and sent the enemy home disappointed. He wants to do that in our lives as well.
We must hang on to the truth that “Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world.”
We need to rely on Christ, to put on the full armor of God (as described in Ephesians 6), to not be surprised when the attacks come, to stay close to the Father. When that happens, we will be able to see victory in our mental and spiritual and relational health.
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