Hope for the Broken

In Daily Devotional by Kirk Giles

Theme of the Week: Brokenness Is Real

Bible Verse: “Now if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with patience.” Romans 8:25 ESV

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:18-25

I find it very easy to become cynical. I can see all the problems and must work hard not to lose hope. As Christians, we are often perceived as being a very negative group of people. The Christian story is not negative at all, though. We are honest about the brokenness of life, but our story is ultimately one of hope. There is a better day coming.

Even if you do not feel broken, it is obvious how people and creation are groaning and longing for things to be better than they are. We saw this earlier this week when we looked at Romans 8. Today, we want to see the other side of the groaning.

If you do not have your Bible open, I want to encourage you to open it now to Romans 8. Look at the following statements:

  • “the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us.” (v. 18)
  • “the creation itself will also be set free from the bondage to decay into the glorious freedom of God’s children.” (v. 21)
  • “eagerly waiting for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.” (v. 23)

Look down further to verse 31 and hold on to this truth: God is for you!

This is not a promise of a life without suffering. It is a promise of his presence and grace in your life today and a future where there is no more pain, and everything will be made right. There is a glorious future coming for us that will make the suffering of today seem insignificant. Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. He is your hope.

Copyright © 2022 Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada. All rights reserved.

Kirk Giles
Kirk Giles is the Co-Lead Pastor of Forward Church – a multi-site congregation based in the Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada. He loves Jesus and being a husband, father, and grandfather (plus the Toronto Blue Jays). Kirk is the former President of Impactus (when it was Promise Keepers Canada) and has spent over twenty-five years helping men learn to follow Jesus.
Kirk Giles
Kirk Giles is the Co-Lead Pastor of Forward Church – a multi-site congregation based in the Waterloo Region of Ontario, Canada. He loves Jesus and being a husband, father, and grandfather (plus the Toronto Blue Jays). Kirk is the former President of Impactus (when it was Promise Keepers Canada) and has spent over twenty-five years helping men learn to follow Jesus.