Theme of the Week: The Lord Is With You
Bible Verse: God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” Exodus 3:14 NIV
Scripture Reading: Exodus 3:1-15
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Gen 1:1a). And on the sixth day, he created man in his own image, male and female he created them, (Gen 1:27) his crowning work for that week.
God placed the man in the Garden of Eden and gave him the responsibility to oversee the earth. (Gen 2:15) Soon things changed, as man separated himself from God by sin. But God never changed.
Many years later, Moses, intrigued by a burning bush, met God and was given instructions to go back to Egypt to free the people. Moses asked God what he should say when asked by the Israelites who sent him. Moses learned who God is: I AM, meaning he was, is, and will be Lord, forever.
Throughout Scripture, the title of Lord is consistently used when referring to God. Even Jesus referred to God as his Father, always stating the kingdom is his Father’s kingdom. (Mt 26:29) In a world with so many other gods – religious, material, celebrities – none come close to the majesty, sovereignty and authority of God. He is Lord, and he reigns in good times and bad. He holds the world in his hands. (Ps 95:4-5)
What does this mean for us? We can and should willingly live godly lives with confidence in today’s world. The Lord’s divine power gives us everything we need. (2 Pe 1:3-4)
So, in times of uncertainty like we are currently experiencing, we are focus on the Lord, not ourselves. Look to him for wisdom and guidance to live a life of purpose. Ask the Lord to teach you and remind you who he is: I AM, forever, Lord who reigns over all.
You can have confidence because the Lord is with you.
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