Bible Verse: “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” John 17:17
Scripture Reading: John 17:6-26
I work with a man who prays like a poet.
He has spent years developing his own prayer cadence and vocabulary. It is like hearing a psalm composed on the spot as we bow our heads to communicate with God. We ask him to pray for the group as often as possible without making him feel like his only role in the group is to pray. He’s a talented writer and editor as well.
In our verse today, still in the Upper Room, after so much has been communicated to the disciples about the future, both near and far—Jesus closes their meeting with a prayer.
We can read this prayer in its entirety in John 17; take a moment to do that. But as you read, don’t simply take in the words, as beautiful and significant as they are.
Try to hear Jesus, on the verge of betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion, speaking these words to the Father over and for the disciples. Hear the love and concern, the joy and the hope, and yes, perhaps some of the fear concerning His next hours.
Hear Jesus praying these words, not lecturing them.
This is the deeply felt prayer of a friend longing for the best for His friends.
Within this prayer, we also find, unsurprisingly, some great, deep, theological significance. One of the things Christ asks for His disciples (and yes, that includes us) is that they be sanctified—made holy and set apart as His followers.
God does desire us to be holy, for our character and conduct to rise to His standards (see 1 Peter 1:15-17 cf. Leviticus 19–20; Matthew 5:48). But this is not some magical or even miraculous process.
Jesus does ask that the Father sanctify us in the truth. He also reminds us that God’s word is truth.
Our sanctification comes as we engage with the words of God graciously given to us in the pages of the Bible.
As followers of Jesus, our growth comes as we learn more of God and His actions toward us in history and what it means to follow Him. Our character develops as we see ourselves and the world around us through the lens of Scripture. This is why it is vital for the follower of Jesus to spend regular time in Scripture. Do you?
Prayer: Jesus, thank You for Your constant love and care for us. Thank You that in Your prayers, we can hear Your love for us and Your desire for us to grow in Your character. Help me spend time in Scripture getting to know You and Your ways so I may follow You more fully.
Reflection: Where does becoming more like Jesus fall in your commitments? What specific practices do you employ to foster spiritual growth?
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