Theme of the Week: Living Your Legacy
Bible Verse: Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness. Genesis 15:6
In Genesis chapter 12, Abram heard God. He told him to go and he went. God promised several things to Abram and some had begun to come to pass. However, the promise of making him a great nation didn’t start yet.
Abram knew if he was going to be a nation, he had to have children. It’s real possible he told friends that he was going to be a great nation and he didn’t even have one child.
Here in Chapter 15, after Abram wins the battle of the kings with just his employees, Abram shares his concern with God. He tells God since he is childless that his servant, Eliezer, would inherit everything. God speaks to Abram and not only tells him He would have a child from his own body, but more than the stars he could count.
Then probably, one of the greatest moments in Biblical history occurred. “Abram believed the Lord.” You see, Abram heard the Lord in Chapter 12 but here he believed God. Now legacy can happen when we believe God.
I was in a large Impactus | Promise Keepers event, and asked the men, “How many of you have had God spoken directly to you?” I was amazed. Well over 80% of the men raised their hands. You may be one of those men. God has specifically talked to you about some business, idea, or ministry that He wants to do with you.
Today is the day to believe His word concerning you. Abram changed world history by believing. Legacy didn’t happen immediately, but it did happen and it can happen to you if you will believe what God has told you.
Write down what God spoke to you and share it with a few people you trust.
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