Theme of the Week: Living Your Legacy
Bible Verse: Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love — Isaac — and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” Genesis 22:2
Things were really good for Abram. He had his son, Isaac. He is wealthy, still in love with his beautiful wife and God even changed his name to Abraham. Life is really good and I am sure Abraham though he was living the dream and that legacy was going to happen.
Then God talks to Abraham and says, “kill your son.” All the dreams of the future rested on his son, Isaac. Isaac was the fulfillment of God’s promise to make God a great nation.
God was calling Abraham to let go. Let go of the way he thought it might go. Let go of seeing things done naturally instead of supernaturally. I am sure as he walked toward the mountain, he and Isaac had some real important heart to hearts. Abraham shared God’s stories of God talking, and sending angels. All of us should live in a way to share our stories with our children.
For some of us, we have to let go of how the dream will happen. Some of us have to let go of idols in our lives of self, lust, greed, fear, anger and hate that may need to be sacrificed so that legacy can happen.
Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son because he believed God, that no matter what, He would keep his word. Abraham may not have known what to believe as the knife was aimed toward his son and possible death of his legacy, but he knew who to believe.
Ask God if there is anything, such as relationships or attitudes you need to sacrifice.
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