man with blue hair sitting on hood of an old white car sad

Keeping Hope

In Daily Devotional, Faith Journey, Spiritual Growth by Mauricio Rosa

Over the next several weeks, we are going to feature the stories of real men and how they keep hope when times are difficult. Today, we hear from Mauricio Rosa – the Content Manager for Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada.

I still remember the moment my wife and I went for the ultrasound to confirm we were expecting. We were excited, and life was as it should be. The technician started the exam, and the first news came: “You have two little peanuts here!”

I was in shock, and my wife started to laugh hysterically. This was indeed good news, for God had answered our prayers. And now we were not only expecting one baby – but two!

Then, a few weeks later, we went for another ultrasound exam, and a piece of bad news came out of nowhere to crash our lives in unexpected ways. Our twin baby boy had a congenital issue, giving him less than a 25% chance of surviving.

Can you relate? Unexpected moments like this or going through crises like COVID-19, not only shock or sadden you, but they are capable of altering your future expectations and profoundly affecting your daily life.

For a Christian, these are moments where the rubber hits the road; we are confronted with a reality that we never wanted nor dreamed of. How do we approach this? How do we reconcile a God who is great and mighty with these disruptions of our lives?

Tim Chester, the author of the book You Can Change, says: “God is great, so you don’t have to be in control.” He goes on to describe that “we find true freedom in embracing God’s reign over our lives and trusting his reign to be wise and good. This is the interpretation of life that brings joy and peace.”

In moments like this one with COVID-19, we can believe the lie that life is out of control, and we need to take a hold of it because no one else will. Or we can choose to look at the history of the people of God and learn. Christians for millennia have chosen to trust that Jesus is in control. Now we can put to rest our urge to drive our lives, placing our total confidence into Jesus’ loving, pierced hands.

My son? He just turned 3-years-old.

Copyright © 2020 Impactus | Promise Keepers Canada. All rights reserved.

Mauricio Rosa
Mauricio Rosa is a pastor at First Evangelical Free Church in Calgary. His passions are teaching and discipleship. He is married to Christin and together they have three children.
Mauricio Rosa
Mauricio Rosa is a pastor at First Evangelical Free Church in Calgary. His passions are teaching and discipleship. He is married to Christin and together they have three children.