Theme of the Week: Light Broke Down
Bible Verse: “That light shines in the darkness, and yet the darkness did not overcome it.” John 1:5, CSB
Scripture Reading: John 1:1-18
In 2010, 33 miners were trapped inside a mine in Chile. The copper and gold mine collapsed, and they were stuck 2,300 ft underground for more than two months. The rescue team contacted them by drilling a 13-inch hole that broke through the dense darkness and finally reached them. This very first contact with them was more than a sign of hope; it was the beginning of their rescue.
Sometimes, I wonder if God uses tragedies like this to give us contemporary parables of the greatest rescue operation in history.
This week, we will explore how the Christmas story is a story like no other. God has put together a rescue plan for us, who, like the miners, have been stuck in our failures and darkness, with no hope of surfacing again to real life.
Join us and invite your friends to follow our journey this week, exploring the Christmas story.
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