Theme of the Week: Raising Godly Kids
Bible Verse: Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Galatians 6:7
Scripture Reading: Galatians 6:7-10
My wife and I have 4 kids. Three girls and one boy. They are amazing. Yes, they have driven us nuts, pushed our patience, and destroyed things that cost money. But they are awesome! We love to laugh and joke with each other . . . a lot.
About two years ago, my wife and I looked at them, and with all the love we had in our hearts, said very sincerely that we plan on being better grandparents than we had been as parents.
As she and I laughed about this, our oldest daughter looked at us, pointed her finger, and said with all her sincerity, “If I pick up my kids from your house, and they’ve only had two cookies, you will be in such trouble!”
And we laughed even more.
But here’s the truth: The only way I get to be the best grandparent I can be is if I am being the best parent I can be. You see, I can’t not invest in my kids and then expect them to let me into their kids’ lives. That’s not how this works.
Paul writes in Galatians 6:7 that “whatever one sows, that will he also reap.”
Of course, this can be seen in all sorts of areas of life. But do we see it in our relationships with our kids? Like a garden that needs planting, water, and attention, are we investing in these relationships in a healthy way so that they produce a healthy harvest?
But maybe you are thinking it might be too late for you. Well, here’s a thought on that: Have you tried? What have you tried? How have you tried?
I know that some relationships are broken and hard to repair, but it is on you to do your part to build a bridge.
So, what can you do today to sow into your kids so that you reap a healthier relationship that will continue to produce for years to come?
Now, start planting.
Prayer: Jesus, Thank You for my kids. Help me to see how I can sow into them so that we can all reap from a healthy relationship. Amen.
Reflection: Read Galatians 6:7-10 and think about how you are investing in your relationships with your kids, and how you can improve on them.
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