Made Alive

In Daily Devotional by Darryl Dash

Theme of the Week: Why We Can’t Get Our Act Together?

Bible Verse: “But God, who is rich in mercy, because of his great love that he had for us, made us alive with Christ even though we were dead in trespasses. You are saved by grace!” Ephesians 2:4-5, CSB

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-10

All this talk about why we can’t get our act together is depressing. It can seem like we’re living as broken people in a broken world and can’t do anything about it.

According to Ephesians 2, we are, without Christ, spiritually dead. We’re not just sick people who need to get better or broken people who need to be fixed. We’re dead people who need to be made alive.

And that’s exactly what God has done. Not only has he made us alive, but he’s made us alive with Christ. We’ve gone from being dead to sharing in the new life that Jesus received when he rose from the dead. Jonathan Edwards says that this “is a more glorious work of God than the creation of the whole material universe. It is the most glorious of God’s works, as it above all others manifests the glory of God.1

One man (Charles Fuller) describes what happened when he experienced this. “There has been a complete change in my life … Now my whole life and aims and ambitions are changed. I feel now that I want to serve God if he can use me instead of making the goal of life the making of money.2

God makes people alive who were once dead in their sins as he unites us to the resurrection life of Jesus. If you haven’t already done so, come to Jesus and ask him to make you alive today.

1 The Works of Jonathan Edwards, Volume 4: The Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards
2 Ephesians (ESV Edition): The Mystery of the Body of Christ, R. Kent Hughes, Crossway

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Darryl Dash
Darryl Dash (@DashHouse) is a pastor at Liberty Grace Church, a church planter in Toronto with over 25 years of ministry experience, and an author of How to Grow: Applying the Gospel to All of Your Life. He is married to Charlene and have two adult children: Christy and Josiah. Find out more about Darryl at
Darryl Dash
Darryl Dash (@DashHouse) is a pastor at Liberty Grace Church, a church planter in Toronto with over 25 years of ministry experience, and an author of How to Grow: Applying the Gospel to All of Your Life. He is married to Charlene and have two adult children: Christy and Josiah. Find out more about Darryl at