Theme of the Week: Trusting God
Bible Verse: “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done.” Matthew 26:42b ESV
Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:36-46
I once spoke with a cancer patient about trusting God. He was diagnosed with stage four, inoperable cancer the week before our conversation. He was in shock. His spouse was reeling. I asked, “how do you want me to pray?” Through tears he said, “pray that God’s will is done.”
“Your will be done,” is a famous phrase from the worst night in recorded history. Jesus prayed these words, knowing what lay in store for him. Betrayal. Lies. Beatings. Humiliation. A torturous execution. Separation from God.
That night Jesus said, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death” (vs. 38). He was under so much anxiety and stress that he thought he might die. Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever felt “overwhelmed” by your circumstances?
Perhaps the best prayer to pray when you struggle to trust God is “your will be done.” In hard seasons we tend to bolster ourselves for survival—bitter hearts, fists closed, ready to fight back against our pain. But as Jesus faced circumstances that would cause anyone to struggle to trust God, he prayed humbly. “Your will be done” intentionally relinquishes control. It’s a hard, humble prayer to pray. It takes effort. It’s scary. Like Jesus, you might fall to the ground too. “Your will be done” is full of unknowns.
But this prayer also removes the burden to perform from you. It’s not washing your hands of hard work. It’s not a shallow maxim that will suddenly make you feel rosy. It’s a statement that kills the pride, idolatry, and fear your circumstances have dredged up in your heart. “Your will be done” is a statement of worship.
Hard seasons, loss, suffering—all of these can turn us toward God. We know the end of Jesus’s story. He rose from the dead. My friend is still enduring cancer treatments. Only God knows if healing will come or if there is loss in his future. In either case, “your will be done” is the first step on the path to resurrection.
Prayer: Dear God. I’m on my knees, under pressure, and struggling to trust you because of _______. Your will be done, God. I don’t want to suffer anymore. I don’t want to endure more loss. But regardless of what comes, I’m praying that your will be done. I worship you, God, and I relinquish control. I put my faith in you and I pray for resurrection.
Reflection: Pray this prayer on your knees if you’re able. Let your physical body reflect the posture of your spirit. Sit humbly with God and worship him even in your circumstances.
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