Theme of the Week: Trusting God
Bible Verse: “But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation.” Psalm 13:5 ESV
Scripture Reading: Psalm 13:1-6
The Bible contains no promise that believers will avoid suffering. Unfortunately, no psalm declares that following God means we will avoid loss, injustice, or sorrow. Instead, we often find ourselves stuck in overwhelming circumstances. Like David in this Psalm, we ask “how long, God? How long?” Pretty soon, we start to feel like we can’t trust God after all.
Sometimes you must do something before you feel something. This week we have considered practices of trust—the things you can do before you feel like trusting God again. You can: remember the big, infinite nature of God; honestly name your trials before God and a trusted friend; let Scripture fill your life; practice intentional thankfulness; and ultimately pray, “your will be done.”
These practices are not a promise for stress-free living, but they are the things to start with when you’re under duress. They are active, intentional exercises that say to God “I will trust you.”
While there’s no verse that says we get to avoid pain, what we do find in the Bible is a God who suffers with us. We find that Jesus weeps over death and loss (John 11:32-35). He feels compassion for the suffering (Matthew 14:14). He feels immense stress (Luke 22:39-44) and even table-flipping anger (John 2:13-17).
At his birth, they called him Immanuel—God with us (Matthew 1:23). Truly, Jesus lives up to that name. Whatever situation you’re going through right now, the Bible reveals that God is present and that he understands your stress and suffering. His love is steadfast. Reach out to him and practice trust.
Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for being present in my life. Thank you for fully understanding human suffering. You are not a god who “doesn’t get it.” You understand betrayal, loss, death, disease, and injustice. You understand immense stress and you have even faced down the evil one. Thank you, Jesus, for suffering with me through __________. Help me to trust you.
Reflection: How can you practice trust in God today? Which of the practices from this week have you not yet tried? Spend a few minutes in prayer today about whatever it is that is testing your trust in God. Then, attempt to practice trust.
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