Theme of the Week: Your Mind
I dread Monday nights. That’s the night I take out the garbage. Because I’m part germophobe, I don’t particularly enjoy this chore. I’ve rationalized that I’m serving my wife and that we do all things for Christ, but somehow the garbage still smells. I largely go about this task with a deadened spirit.
Now dare I segue from garbage to reading the Bible? Yes, I will. Do we sometimes approach reading the Bible like an unappealing chore, that it’s something we have to do instead of something we want to do? Of course, we know the Bible is God’s glorious revelation to us, but how often do we feel obligation instead of sensation?
If you regularly approach the Bible with joy, praise God. But if not, possibly what would help is if we remember that the Holy Spirit not only lives in us but that he also guides us, especially when we read the Bible.
Jesus spoke much about the Holy Spirit to his disciples during the Last Supper. He told them that the Spirit would guide them into all truth (John 16:13). He also told them the Spirit would remind them of everything he had ever said to them and taught them (John 14:26). What Jesus was really saying was that though he would leave them, he would actually still be with them and continue his teaching ministry through the Spirit.
So if Bible reading has become a chore for you, remember the Holy Spirit is showing you Jesus and helping you to understand what the Bible is teaching. It’s not merely reading. Rather, the Spirit breathes life so that your reading experience is transformed into a devotional time with Christ. We never come alone to the Bible.
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