Bible Verse: Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbour as yourself. I am the Lord. Leviticus 19:18
Scripture Reading: Leviticus 19
We’ve spent a (perhaps long) week looking at Leviticus. We’ve looked at how it demonstrates God’s grace and provision to people who needed to know what it meant to live in relationship with the God who rescued them.
The proliferation of laws covering every aspect of life reveals a God who not only desires His people but provides the necessary information for them to act on to stay in relationship with Him. We’ve seen how the laws anticipate Jesus, the sacrifice for the sins of the world, not just the people of Israel. Jesus showed us the Father and what living in complete submission to Him meant.
As we leave our study of Leviticus, the question is, will you leave it until the next time you are taken through it? Or will you read looking for the ways God has provided and celebrating that gracious provision? When you come to the text, will you ask “What?” and “Why?” What does it reveal about God? Why would He require this of His people? How did this set them apart from the nations around them?
Those who follow Jesus now live under the law of love and not the national laws of the Old Covenant, but the God who gave them is the same one who sent Jesus and who Jesus revealed. We can still learn of His character from the laws He gave.
Prayer: Law-giver and Saviour-sender, thank You for all of Your story. Help me to read and learn from everything You have revealed of Yourself and Your action within humanity. Your work has gone before me and will continue after me. Help me to be the part of Your story that You are telling through me.
Reflection: Challenge yourself to read parts of God’s story that you normally skip over.
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