Bible Verse: For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God. Psalm 86:10
Scripture Reading: Psalm 86:1-17
There are moments where we attempt to take control of our lives, and there are moments when it feels like life has taken control of us.
In yesterday’s devotional, we talked about how we do not need to feel overwhelmed by the moment we are in. The reality is, many still feel overwhelmed. Will I lose my job? Will I have enough money to retire? Do I have what it takes to lead my family well during this time? Will people I love get sick or worse?
In Psalm 86, David is praying about the very difficult circumstances he is facing in his life. He describes himself as poor and needy, and he asks God to protect his life. In verse 7, he describes his life as a day of distress.
But then the tone of David’s prayer changes. He regains perspective during the chaos. Verse 10 is like David put on a pair of glasses so he could see clearly: “You alone are God.”
This one phrase puts all of life into perspective. There is no virus that is greater than God. He is our Provider – not the government or even our employer. There is no power on earth that compares to God. There is no activity on the planet that can thwart the mission of God. He alone is God!
True clarity and perspective for every moment of your life will only come when you walk in the truth that He alone is God.
And this God is abounding in faithful love and truth towards you. (Psalm 86:15)
Rest in this perspective for your life today.
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