Theme of the Week: Being An Excellent Dad
Bible Verse: The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16
Scripture Reading: Mark 3:27, 1 Kings 3:7-9, Proverbs 1:7-9
Many men find being a spiritual leader in the home difficult. Prayer is one way you can powerfully lead your family spiritually.
I once heard of a man who went into his daughter’s room and prayed over her every night after she fell asleep. She grew up and left for college. The following Christmas she came home for a visit.
Talking to her mother one afternoon, she said, “Daddy still prays for me every night even though I’m away at college, doesn’t he?”
“How in the world did you know that?” her mother replied.
The daughter replied with confidence, “I can still see his knee marks in the carpet next to my old bed.”
Were you blessed to have had a father who prayed faithfully for you when you were growing up? Only a small percentage of men I ask answer yes. How do you think your life might have been different if you had had a father who did that?
Try this experiment: go into your kids’ room at night, kneel down, lay hands on their heads or backs, and petition God’s blessings upon them. You’ll find it a powerful moment. Your kids will stay very still under the blankets because, big or small, they recognize the significance of that act.
When your children know you are praying for them—for their salvation and future–this knowledge gives them a guidepost to hang on to. It also provides a form of accountability more powerful than bare parental authority. When they see the kneel marks next to their bed, it powerfully affects the kind of choices they make.
Excerpted from Rick Johnson’s Better Dads Stronger Sons: How Fathers Can Guide Boys to Become Men of Character, published by Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group, 2006. Used by Permission.
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