Theme of the Week: Genesis
Bible Verse: These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. 1 Corinthians 10:11
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:1-33
This week we have sprinted through the book of Genesis. Along the way, we have stopped to look at how God has told His story and how some of the events are connected. It is the hope that this week of devotionals has helped you not only see some events of Genesis in a new light but helped you see the importance of reading the Bible well.
The Bible is an incredible story with God at the center. It is played out on the stage of human history and with humanity as many of the actors. But its core is set up by the opening verse. God is the central figure of this story. It is the account of his creation of everything and what He has done to reclaim it from the deception of independence that came in so early.
Genesis, like the rest of Scripture, challenges us to see God, but even more to choose God. Throughout the book, we see people faced with the choice of their own way or following God. Some get it right for a time, others for longer, and some, not at all. Genesis calls us to make our own choice. Will we choose God, even when we cannot see how that choice will work out? Will we step out into either the unknown or the known but scary that God is calling us into, or will we choose our own way?
The choice is ours. God is asking us to make it.
Prayer: God, you move in mysterious ways. I do not always understand, and sometimes, if I’m honest, I don’t like it. But I do want to choose you. Thank you for giving me the chance to do so.
Reflection: Challenge yourself to read more Scripture and to read it without jumping ahead to what something might mean later. Let the text be your guide.
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