Theme of the Week: Relationship With Jesus
Bible Verse: “For they will be a garland of favor on your head and pendants around your neck.” Proverbs 1:9 CSB
Scripture Reading: John 20:19-29
This week we investigated several results of our relationship with Jesus. As we follow Jesus and trust in the work he has accomplished, it will affect our daily lives in practical ways. Here are some of them as a highlight for us to reflect on today:
Bragging Rights: I can experience Jesus’ resurrecting power every day of my life.
““I once thought all these things were so very important, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done” (3:7). Paul quit bragging! In its place, a humble, trusting attitude was born. It was his discovery of Christ that made the difference. Paul stated simply, “I trust Christ to save me” (3:9). He began to see boundless possibilities in his new relationship with the Lord: “I can really know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I can learn what it means to suffer with him” (3:10). And he looked forward to eventually experiencing “resurrection from the dead” (3:11). All because of Christ—and not because of himself!”
The Perfect Leader: I can trust Jesus to lead me every single day.
“But Jesus was a perfect leader for all time. He was the right leader for the greatest of all wars, fought and won at the Cross. And he is certainly the only one who can lead people into the eternal peace that comes through being rescued from the fear of death. Jesus is the perfect leader. Follow him!”
The Cross: I am forgiven today as much as I was yesterday, and I will be tomorrow.
“The secret is no longer hidden. The word is out, and today many men see beyond the symbolism to the significance of the cross. They, having been forgiven, love him, and serve him. They rightly revere the cross and the one about whom it speaks.”
Seeing the Invisible: Because of Jesus, I now have a Father, and I can know him forever.
“But now Jesus had arrived to reveal in his own person, using language understandable to humans and in ways decipherable by fallen humanity, what God is really like.”
Jesus, The High Priest: Jesus will equip me to live wisely every day.
“Being aware that the Lord Jesus is, at any given moment, praying for him will alert a Christian man to the supply of divine resources available to him in response to Jesus’ intercession.”
Pause and reflect on each of these realities. Ask yourself today: Which truth will have an impact in my life today? Repeat this every day.
Some content taken from The One Year Devotions for Men by Stuart Briscoe. Copyright © 2000. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers. All rights reserved.
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