Theme of the Week: Success As A Christian Man
Bible Verse: “…not an excessive drinker, not a bully but gentle, not quarrelsome, not greedy.” 1 Timothy 3:3
Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 3:1-7
Sometimes I picture Satan with a toolkit. Over the centuries, he’s learned which tools work best, and he’s learned how to use these tools very well to tempt us.
What would be in his toolkit? A few tools seem to get frequent use: substance abuse, misuse of authority, anger, and greed. Satan knows we’re vulnerable in these areas. He wants to destroy us, and he’ll try to get us to fail in any way he can.
Knowing Satan’s tactics helps us to prepare a defense. A wise man will put boundaries around problem areas to prevent trouble.
Misuse of alcohol stands out because it’s so obvious. Others will know if we’re drinking too much or misusing other substances. But other issues are more subtle. We can bully others and pass our behavior off as “just being assertive.” We can develop an argumentative spirit and think that we’re just searching for the truth. We can become greedy and think that we’re just being good stewards.
Learn Satan’s tactics and prepare a good defense. Ask for help from others. Satan’s toolkit is basic but effective. God has given us everything we need to prepare for him, and we’re wise when we pay attention to these areas in our lives.
Prayer: Father, I know that Satan does not want me to grow to be more like Jesus. Help me to recognize his tactics when they come and to resist with the help of your Spirit.
Reflection: What tool does Satan tend to use in your life? Drinking or other substances? Misuse of authority? Anger? Greed? Something else?
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