Theme of the Week: Success As A Christian Man
Bible Verse: “An overseer, therefore, must be … self-controlled, sensible…” 1 Timothy 3:2
Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 3:1-7
The words came out before I could stop them. They were loud and sharp, and I could tell by the reaction that it was too far. We all know that feeling. Someone provokes us, and we feel our emotions begin to take over. It takes a lot of effort to keep our heads and respond appropriately rather than just venting.
Sometimes we’re not in control; our desires take over.
It’s not just anger, either. We can eat in unhealthy ways because of stress or other factors. We can spend money recklessly or look at sexually suggestive material. Later we wonder why we allowed our desires to lead us down a path we didn’t want to take.
Paul highlights a quality that every godly man needs: self-control. In the face of temptation, we choose our actions rather than allowing our desires to take over. It means controlling our impulses and disciplining ourselves rather than just giving in to what we want to do.
Think about the areas you lack control over your desires. Identifying these areas is an important step in beginning to gain control. When tempted in these areas, ask for God’s help. You may want to ask other godly men for help and prayer as well.
Our desires often seem stronger than we are, but God has promised to come to our aid (1 Corinthians 10:13). True success entails growing in our self-control, even in the face of strong desires.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for the promise that you will provide a way out of temptation. I confess that I am not always looking for a way out. Help me to see it when you provide it.
Reflection: What temptation or desire do you need to see the way of escape that God provides?
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