Theme of the Week: The Art of Surrender
Bible Verse: “My father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will but as you will’ Matthew 26:39
Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:36-46, John 17:6-26
A number of years ago, I was presented with an opportunity that would impact many areas of my life if I accepted it. As I considered it, I realized it didn’t make a lot of sense for me. It would uproot my family, take me away from a job and ministry I enjoyed and was passionate about, as well as a church and community we were very thankful for. The opportunity didn’t make sense as a career move or even financially.
I remember the day clearly though when I was sitting at the kitchen table with my wife, and she asked a very probing question. ‘Are you willing to ask God if this is something he wants you to do?’
At that point I had to admit that I was not. But I recognized this was a problem. How could I say “I will do whatever you want, God – but I won’t do that!” – that made no sense at all.
This sent me on important journey with God to surrender the opportunity that was in front of me to Him.
In today’s passage, Jesus understood he was being asked to go to the cross for us. As hard as He knew it would be, His bottom line was surrendering His will to the fathers.
As we saw in yesterday’s passage, this is something that we are all called into as we follow Jesus. It is not just something we did 20 years ago but something he calls us to each day.
What might God be asking you to surrender to him today?
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